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Bob Danley, naturalist/photographer

A sample of Bob Danley's Google+ Collections

Most of the naturalists I have known have also been photographers. Bob Danley's explorations were unusually well organized on his Google+ Collections page. "Birdbob" also has excellent albums on Pinterest and material (as "brushfoot") on Tumblr, too.

Bob recorded a series of interviews with radio station KLYQ 1240 AM and online at Here's the latest example I could find (from 2016):

In 2013, Bob was recognized by the American Recreation Coalition with its Beacon Award. The commendation read:

Bob Danley, Outdoor Recreation Planner, Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge
“For his use of social media to reach new audiences. As avian migrants arrive or depart from the refuge, as observation opportunities occur in association with nest building, brood rearing, [pollinating] and other [phenomenological] events, Bob Danley tweets, blogs, and electronically communicates this news to wide audiences that reach current and new refuge visitors. He updates and manages the refuge website as well as a popular refuge Facebook page. Bob has worked with the Regional Division of Visitor Services to develop new interpretive signage for the refuge auto tour route, incorporating QR codes into the signage to provide additional information for visitors with smart phones. He has also incorporated QR codes in the newly developed refuge brochure. Bob Danley has an extraordinary working relationship with the elementary and high school science teachers in the entire Bitterroot Valley. He often leads sessions within the schools and also provides curricula for home-schooling.”

Capturing the variety of his local fauna and flora while celebrating its geology, "perpetual student" Bob is a skillful teacher, too! Discovering his Lichens Collection was a particular highlight for me. What's your favorite? For Montana celebrated, take a look!

By Kay Fulton

"Imagine one person who has a “Life List” (list of birds) of 640 species, has life lists of butterflies and dragonflies, and has studied vegetation including grasses and wildflowers, as well as a wide variety of invertebrates, and various mammals. Then imagine that this person is able to take all of that information and share it with others via education programs, field trips, workshops, lectures, and/or just impromptu discussions and you will begin to know Bob Danley, the Outdoor Recreation Planner for the Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge in Stevensville. His enthusiasm for nature is truly catching and motivating.

"Bob’s knowledge is based on his earlyyears in Illinois and Wisconsin, college studies, 12½years with the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service (the last 8 years at Metcalf), and traveling all around the lower 48 states looking for birds, butterflies,and dragonflies. Bob’s trips include Cape May, Puget Sound, Mojave Desert, Texas, Patagonia, Chincoteague, and others. His most recent trip was to the Lower Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival in November, 2010.

"With all of this behind him, Bob has recently begun exploring new ways to feed his passion for nature via the internet, blogs, social media, and photography which means 'less dreaming and waiting for exotic places to go,and more time and opportunity for discovery of other fauna on a daily basis.'"

 In 2011, Bob Danley recorded his reaction to the "Conserving the Future" Conference he attended:



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