Icebergs | Dead, ahead Lago Argentina - Provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina Themes thread their way through a photographer's work. Mark Hurn organizes his work into Collections. My favorite on Google+ was "Argentina...," a grand introduction to the country and its unique phenomena. Collections are stated themes, conscious, open and declared. Throughout Mark's work, however, runs another theme, private, deeper and more fascinating. He frequently expresses it as a personal characteristic on his posts, " I'm posting tonight instead of tomorrow, as I don't think I shall have time then... " Photography is a gift of time. Mark comments: "Some of this planet is still truly mesmerising... so can we lose the ego and stop destroying it now, while we're still here? Walk when you can, drive a smaller car, acclimatise to where you live and if you need an air conditioner, set it high (I use 30° C in summer). "Algunas partes de est...